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Hi, I'm Peijie Diao @Do1e.#
- I'm a doctoral student at School of Electronic Science and Technology, NJU, major in signal processing.
- I'm reasearching on AI Codec in CITE Lab. My supervisors are Prof. Xun Cao and Assoc. Prof. Qiu Shen.
- Welcome to visit our group's homepage.
- My main coding language is Python, but I'm also familiar with C, C++, MATLAB.
- I'm familiar with the technology of crawlers. Welcome to contact me if you need.
Contact me#
My Websites#
- Homepage
- Status of NJU Gulou Campus charging piles
- Status of NJU Xianlin Campus charging piles
- Blogs or Blog Timeline
- Sharing Files
- Temporary File Sharing
- IP address API or you can use query parameter
My Python Packages#
The Favorite Character Right now#
@Bubbleioa: "你就是败犬女主的犬!(You're the dog of losing heroines!)"